A few words to myself

A lot of times we are in such a rush that we forget to reflect on the year that has passed, and we keep trying to catch our goals without appreciating the things we already achieved.

As I am trying to learn to be more grateful, especially to myself, I am writing this article to see what I learned last year and to thank not only myself but also a lot of different people for supporting me along the way. So here are a few highlights/lessons learned from this year:

Saying "NO" is healthy

To be frank, I am a people pleaser, I have always been one. I never wanted to let down people even if it meant letting down myself. It is really hard for me to say no, not just to others but also to myself. I am super motivated and full of energy, open to learn anything that comes my way and that is why I want to do everything and want to learn everything. I feel like a sponge that wants to absorb all the knowledge there is. However, this sometimes ends up in me being overwhelmed. What I started learning this year, especially with the help of my mentor and my colleagues (thank you) is to set myself boundaries and say no to things. I am still not an expert in this, but I must say I feel much more relief, I feel like I don't have to be 100 different people in one person.

Pain connects people

I knew this before too but never have I ever directly acknowledged it. After taking a couple of meditation sessions this year, this information has stuck with me and I honestly find it beautiful. I realised that indeed, I feel more myself, more safe around people that have similar struggles as I do.

Dropping unrealistic expectations

I think this is not being talked enough even though most people suffer from it: Whether in the form of FOMO (fear of missing out) or direct comparison to someone you know. What this year taught me, and yes I still have to remind myself of it, is that no one is perfect. No one knows everything and so you do not have to either. Everyone is on their own journey, and it is never the same exact one, so you better stop comparing yourself. You are enough the way you are.

Giving and taking

If you are super productive influencer, dropping out new article every second, then you maybe gain a lot of knowledge and a good reputation, but you also have to potentially sacrifice your friends, time and freedom. I am not saying that this is always the case, and I am certainly not trying to judge. Everyone has their own sacrifices to make. This is just an example, and it applies to everything in life really. It ties back into the topic of comparing yourself to others: Everyone is different and even if the social media just shows you the pretty side of something, there is also the other side which is, potentially, hidden and this is something that you have to keep in mind.

Thank you!

If I sent you this article, and you made it this far, then I want to say Thank you!, you helped me grow, become a slightly better version of myself, and I deeply appreciate it. As a token of appreciation, here is a song to make every single day of your next year a Lovely Day.